The Department intends to encourage the study of legal phenomena that cannot be grasped in their entirety and complexity when addressed in isolation within the individual scientific disciplines. promote a systematic study and constant reflection on the profound transformations concerning the structure and functioning of the State in the current historical moment, characterized by processes of globalization, drives towards decentralization (federalism, subsidiarity), repeated interventions to reform the judicial system and the trial criminal law, growth of the role of "civil society" in public life (non-governmental organisations, non-profit companies, bodies and associations representing widespread interests).
The main research directions are:
- public and private Roman law and procedural forms;
- judiciaries and legal culture in modern Southern Italy;
- the process in the modern and contemporary age;
- legal culture in the process of state formation;
- the law between certainty and uncertainty;
- the sources of labor law between law, collective autonomy and jurisprudence;
- the new rules of labor law of the third millennium;
- the working relationship between contract and organization;
- immigration and personality rights;
- the charter of fundamental rights of the European Union;
- credit securitization and business financing;
- history of the process in the modern and contemporary age;
- summary precautionary and non-precautionary protection;
- proceedings in chambers;
- leasing process;
- civil trial and Court of Justice of the European Community;
- the civil trial before the juvenile court;
- financial instruments between subjective legal situations and contracts;
- society and markets in the era of globalization;
- the legal discipline of international trade for the third millennium and its relationships with general international law;
- the charter of fundamental rights of the European Union;
- the judgment before the administrative judge;
- administrative justice in the Constitution;
- bodies and associations representing interests affected by the crime between powers of intervention and right to compensation for damage;
- abuse of office and conflict of interest;
- the new regional statutes: in particular, Puglia, Basilicata and Molise;
- structure, functions and powers of tax agencies;
- criminal investigation;
- the regulation of evidence in criminal trials and the differentiated models of criminal investigation, also from a supranational and comparative perspective;
- the organization of criminal justice;
- criminal policy in procedural matters;
- territorial decentralization: legislative and administrative functions;
- legal language.