Student athletes


The University of Foggia has adopted dual-career student-athlete regulations: scholarship waivers, part-time enrolment possibilities, and exam date flexibility.




The European Athlet Student, ‘dual career network’, was founded as a result of a project within the European Year of Education Through Sports (EYES) in 2004, coordinated by the Oulu Sport Academy (FIN). The network takes the name ‘European Athlet Student’, the abbreviation of which is EAS, also known as the dual career network.

EAS is an international, non-political, non-profit, non-discriminatory membership network. It has an indefinite duration and can be dissolved by its members. Currently, EAS resides in the UK and is subject to British law, but every four years the General Assembly can establish a new location or renew the current one. EAS is a large European network of institutions that provide ‘dual career’ opportunities for talented athletes in elite sports and education.


  •  To support and organise a continuous exchange between institutions and experts from all over Europe working in the field of dual careers
  • To create improved opportunities for people working in the field of dual careers
  • To build a digital knowledge database of academic research work and best practices across Europe in the field of dual careers
  • Create a policy environment that responds to the needs of talented athletes pursuing dual careers by collaborating with partners in the sport and education systems.



Image removed. EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes

Image removed. Italian teachers’ perceptions

EAS The Dual Career Network