Students with disabilities and SLDs


  1. Students with a certified disability equal to or greater than 66%, enrolling in the degree programmes referred to in the Legislative Decree of 29 March 2012, no. 68, and who are hence fully exempt from paying the annual total contribution, shall in any case pay the stamp duty for each year of registration, as detailed in Annex A. Students with temporary disability, which is to be certified for each year of registration, are entitled to the same fee waiver.
  2. Disabled students shall register for each academic year within the deadlines (art. 4, par. 1), by applying for full exemption and providing the copy of the minutes issued by the Local Health Authority (ASL – Medical Board), stating the type and rate of disability.

A21 Form


  1. Students with a certified disability rate between 45% and 65%, enrolling full time in the degree programmes referred to in the Legislative Decree of 29 March 2012, no. 68, are eligible for 50% off the annual total contribution. They shall in any case pay the stamp duty and the regional fee for the right to study.
  2. The reduction referred to in paragraph 1 is only granted for the first degree and the first degree programme referred to in the aforementioned legislative decree.
  3. Disabled students shall enrol by the deadline, paying the stamp duty and the regional fee for the right to university study, upon delivery of the certificate proving the degree of disability, for which the reduction is requested, to the relevant Student Administration Office.

A21 Form